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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Blood donor sessions to be held throughout the area in February

WITH 2012 being a leap year, blood donors across Sefton have an extra day in which to make a difference to people’s lives.

The NHS Blood and Transplant division (NHSBT) is calling on people to take advantage of the extra 24 hours that comes our way every four years and use the time to donate a drop of the red stuff.

Barbara Blanche, NHSBT spokesman, said: “Sessions will be happening across England and North Wales throughout February.

“It only takes one donation to help save and treat up to three lives so giving blood this leap year can make a huge difference to patients in need.

“With only four per cent of the eligible population regularly donating, it is important that people sign up to give blood and return on a regular basis.”

Anyone in the Southport and Formby area who wishes to donate for the first time should be aged between 17 and 65 years, weight at least 7 stone 12lbs (50kg) and be in general good health.

Anyone who has donated before but is over the age of 65 is welcome to give blood again right up until their 70th birthday.

The upper age limit does not apply to anybody who has given blood at some point in the past two years.
The nearest donation session for readers is held at St John Stone’s Parish Centre at 7 Sandbrook Way, Ainsdale, on Tuesday, February 7.

Sessions will be held from 2pm to 4pm, then a further session takes place from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
To find out more about blood donation sessions or to book an appointment please call the Donor Line on 0300 123 23 23 or visit www.blood.co.uk

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