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Monday, 21 February 2011

Minutes of Patient & Public Involvement (PPI)

Steering Group Meeting

From the Meeting held on Wednesday, 9th February, 2011 at 1.30pm

in the Boardroom, Corporate Management Office,

Southport & Formby District General Hospital


Mrs. L. Yates - Director of Nursing & Quality

Mrs. J. Citarella - Chair & Non-Executive Director

Mr. G. Wilding - Facilities Manager – Quality Lead

Mrs. L. Mercer - Head of Nursing - Medicine

Mrs. C. Murray - Complaints Manager

Mr. T. Ellis - Marketing & Communications Manager

Mrs. J. Spinks - Ex PPI Forum/LINks Member

Mr. L. Simans - Sefton LINks Member

Mrs. L. Wills - Volunteer

Mrs. L. Kenyon - Volunteer

Mrs. M. R. Pointon - Ex PPI Forum

Mr. T. Durrance - Ex PPI Forum

Mr. L. Johnson - Ex PPI Forum

Mr. B. Sharples - Ex PPI


Mrs. C. Fowler - Matron/Nurse Advisor – Performance & Quality

Mrs. J. Clayton - Ex PPI/LINks

Mrs. L. Eastham - Head of Midwifery/ Maternity & Gynaecology

Mrs. D. Lloyd - Head of Nursing – Specialist Services

Mr. A. Green - Facilities Manager

Issues/Agreed Action:-



Present/Apologies for absence:

As outlined above.


Previous Minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a correct record.


Matters Arising:

3.1 TOR. Agreed and adopted.

3.2 Cleaning: GW reported that Hospedia have stated they will not be doing any cleaning from 1st April. GW will bring report to the next meeting to say how it will be handled in the future.

3.3 ID Badges/Car Park Passes: Sue Carroll to give list of members of PPISG and OPEG to Geoff Wilding who will issue new badges to those already on the system who require them and/or make arrangements for photos to be taken and passes issued to those not already on the system. The pass will enable volunteers to use the car park.

3.4 Public Liability Insurance: LY to seek clarity from Colin Throp.



Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Update

4.1 LY apologised for JP absence due to FT Meeting and gave update regarding the following:

Integrated Care Organisation (ICO):

No opposition from the competitions panel therefore all moving ahead. Certain legal issues being scrutinised before transfer of services from NHS Sefton (North) and NHS Central Lancashire (West Lancs) can be finalised by the Trust Board.

Foundation Trust Status:

Meetings taking place as the Trust plans to move forward to Foundation Trust Status as an Integrated Care Organisation (ICO).



LY and other members gave feedback from OPEG at which the poor attendance and lack of “jobs” was discussed. As a result of the discussion the following was agreed :-

1. PPISG will move to Bi-Monthly Meetings

2. OPEG will convene ONLY as and when necessary

3. A letter to inform members of both groups will be sent out indicating that OPEG Members are welcome at PPISG

4. Dates of all future PPISG Meetings to be reconfigured and sent out with the letter (enclosed)





Some discussion had taken place with both Sefton and Lancashire Link with regards recruitment of additional members to OPEG. Will now tie in with Recruitment of members as Trust moves towards FT status, as OPEG only convening as and when necessary.



Peter Tarleton will be joining the Trust on 4th April, 2011.



There are no items identified at today’s PPISG .



9.1 Agenda Items. The process for members to raise items for the Agenda was agreed as follows :-

1. Items to Sue Carroll within 4 weeks of previous meeting.

Direct Dial: (01704) 704775

E-mail Address: suecarroll1@nhs.net

2. Sue will then finalise the Agenda with the Chair of PPISG

9.2 Radiographers. Mary Pointon asked if there was a shortage of Radiographers. R Mc to be invited to reply.

9.3 Mary Pointon raised on behalf of the closure of Hospital Pharmacy at lunch-time (both sites) and, as this could obviously lead to delays for both Outpatients and Inpatients, whether a split lunch hour could be arranged. Richard McCarthy/Adrian Brown to be invited to provide a response.

9.4 Terry Durrance raised the issue of Ambulance Turnaround times stating that several times he had witnessed ambulances queuing outside A. & E. and suggested that measuring this could ne a possible work subject for OPEG. LM explained this is regulated, monitored and reported nationally and will being a presentation of the process and the Trust Performance to the next meeting.


Date and Time of Next Meeting :-

** As a result of the discussions and agreement reached in 5 (above) the date of the next meeting is scheduled as follows :-

Wednesday, 13th April, 2011



Corporate Management Office,

Southport and Formby District General Hospital

1 comment:

  1. This blog is providing good and informative information. Keep update another post. PPI claim Merseyside
