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Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Children’s hub in Southport is taking shape

Builders have begun work on the development of a new children’s services health hub inside Southport Centre for Health and Wellbeing.The first services moving into the dedicated facility in April include community paediatrics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, child and adolescent mental health services, speech and language specialists and optometry.
Children’s blood testing and clinics for diabetes, epilepsy and asthma – currently provided at Ormskirk Hospital – are expected to be amongst the second phase of services relocating to the hub.

The new facility will bring all these specialist services together in one place in central Southport, making it easier for parents to travel to and for health professionals to work better together and provide more seamless care. It has received widespread support – from a national expert at the Royal Collage of Nursing, through to local families, doctors and hospital consultants.

Members of the North Area Parents Forum are amongst those to give their support to the development.

Sarah Aldwinckle said: “This is just what we need in Southport and it’s great to know that the hub is taking shape, we’ve needed a centre like this for a long time.”

Niki Ware said: “The hub will make a real difference to local families who won’t have to travel to Ormskirk for appointments and simple things like blood tests for their children.”

Damien Foster says he is glad that the outpatient clinics will be moving to the hub: “I don’t drive so it’ll be much easier bringing my son and daughter here for their appointments at the asthma clinic rather than Ormskirk Hospital.”

The NHS Sefton Board agreed its formal support to the continued development of the hub at its meeting on Thursday (February 3). This was the main recommendation of a new report called ‘Improving Children’s Health Services in North Sefton’.

Dr Janet Atherton, acting chief executive of NHS Sefton, said: “The evidence in the new report clearly shows why children’s services for conditions like diabetes, epilepsy and asthma, along with disabilities and complex needs are a priority for the local NHS. Putting our efforts into tackling these offers the greatest health benefits for our children and young people, and the hub is central to this approach.”

A number of local groups, children’s health experts and politicians were also asked for their views about ‘Improving Health Service’s in North Sefton’. These were presented along with the report to the NHS Sefton Board to consider when making its recommendations.

Chair of NHS Sefton Paul Acres said: “There has been overwhelming support for the children’s hub from all the local groups NHS Sefton has consulted with about its new report.”

Dr Niall Leonard, chair of Southport and Formby’s GP Commissioning group, welcomed the Board’s decision: “We now look forward to seeing the hub develop over the coming weeks and months, which will improve the care and treatment of hundreds of children and young people each year.”

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