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Monday, 28 February 2011

Care Quality Commission Review of ‘meeting the healthcare needs of people in care homes’ 2009/10

What is the review about?

This review looks at how well the healthcare needs of people living in care homes are being met. We will include the healthcare needs of people of all ages living in residential and nursing homes.
We will look at whether people in care homes: 
·         have equal access to NHS services
·         have choice and control over their healthcare
·         receive healthcare that is safe and respects their dignity
We will also look at how: 
·         care is planned and assessed
·         health is promoted
·         people are referred to NHS services
·         health services charge for treatment
·         consent issues are addressed
·         healthcare treatment is delivered in partnership with other services

Which organisations and services will we be looking at?

We will look at:
·         the provision of community health services to care homes
·         the input from general practitioners to care homes
·         the role of the care home itself, including the skills of care home staff in terms of carrying out delegated healthcare tasks
·         the role of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and councils as commissioners

What are the key dates for the review?

Stage 1: Identify poorest performing areas

The first stage of the review is to identify what areas of the country are most at risk of poor performance using existing national data.
Since February 2010 we have been collecting additional evidence from PCTs and councils through a national survey. To assist councils and PCTs to prepare for the national survey, the forms, approved by ROCR (Review of Central Returns), can be accessed using the links below. These forms have been updated from the forms placed on this page in December 2009. The only question to have changed in anything more than a minor way is question 2. Here, on advice from ROCR, an extra sub-question has been added, along with changes to wording and guidance. All other changes consist of minor corrections. We will give PCTs and councils access to the survey data so they can compare information.

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