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Thursday, 9 December 2010

North Mersey Diabetes Network, User Involvement


Who are we?
We are a group of service users who either have diabetes or are caring for someone with diabetes who want to be involved in the decision making processes and based on our experiences make a difference to services locally. We support each other but we are not a support group

We are part of a national user involvement project being only 1 of 3 organisations selected across the country to take part in an exciting new but important development.

What do we do?
We meet as a group to outline and discuss areas of diabetes care that are important to us as service users in the local areas of Sefton, Knowsley and Liverpool.

A few members of the group are also involved in a number of smaller group groups e.g. patient education were the patients view is explored in more detail with health professionals

When do we meet?
We meet as a group every 6-8 weeks in Liverpool on a Wednesday for approximately 4-5 hours. We currently meet in Liverpool LCVS, Dale Street as this is a central venue for all members. Lunch and refreshments are provided. Currently we meet during the day. We may explore the possibility with the group of holding some  early evening meetings. Travel expenses are paid.

What have we achieved?
So far the group has been successful in a number of areas.
·        Based on our experiences of the current retinal eye screening services the group has influenced the development of an evening clinic for the working population in Walton and developed a leaflet that is user friendly.
·        Other work we are undertaking is the development of a resource pack for carers.
·        A few members have also been invited to a local education programme to provide heath professional with direct feedback on content etc.
·        3 members of this group are now also representatives on the North Mersey Diabetes Network Board, which make decisions about the diabetes services.

New members
The group would like to recruit approximately 15 new members to help influence & improve local diabetes services. We would like to get as many new members as quickly as possible; however, we will also be recruiting on an ongoing basis.

Want to know more?
If you are considering applying to be part of this group, the following current group members are happy to be contacted to answer any questions  you have:

George Connolly         0151 426 0030
Helen Barker                07725 109711
Derek Thomas             01704 872671

How do I join?
·        Obtain a simple application form from Carol Hughes on 0151 443 4864.

·        We will send out all the relevant information and papers that you need  either by post or email which will include a covering letter, information on the role of group members and an application form.

·        Complete the application form. This is important so that we get a mix of people joining the group. This can be completed for you over the phone if you wish. We will tell you which date we need to application form returned to us.

·        The service user project team will be looking to choose service users from as wide a range of people as possible across the 3 PCTs to get a balanced group.

·        We will then contact all who applied for group membership to let you know if you are successful.

·        If you are not chosen for the group (as there are too many from one age group or from one area) you will be invited to a larger single event  to find out your views in a few months time.

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