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Monday, 4 July 2011

Southport & Ormskirk hospitals set to privatise services

SOME hospital services in Merseyside are set to be run a private firm in a seven-year £27m contract.
Payroll, recruitment and human resources functions for 12 healthcare organisations could be carried out by international company Capita Symonds.

The deal, due to be signed off by each individual trust board at hospitals including Southport, will involve the transfer of up to 150 staff and the setting up of a shared service centre in Merseyside.Trade union Unison today opposed the “privatisation” bid, voicing concerns Capita would look to make redundancies.

Regional organiser Paul Summers said he anticipated the loss of around 30 posts and had yet to be assured job losses would be averted.He said: “Capita is not going to run this service out of any goodwill to the NHS – it will run it to make money. We fear the way it will do that is by cutting staff levels.

“Why would you employ 13 payroll managers to run one service? It stands to reason there will be potential compulsory redundancies.“Many of these staff have worked in the NHS for years and they want to remain in the NHS. Why should taxpayers’ money go into the pockets of private companies?”

The partnership with Capita, if formally agreed, will start at the end of the year. The NHS trusts have an option to extend the contract by a further three years.While the NHS North Mersey collaboration currently consists of 12 trusts, other health organisations from across the North West could also procure the services from Capita.
Collaboration chairman Raj Jain said: “NHS trusts across north Merseyside are working together to make the healthcare system more efficient to ensure we provide the best service for patients.
“This deal with Capita exemplifies this partnered approach in order to modernise services and make savings.”
More than 1,000 staff have transferred to Capita Symonds from the public sector through so-called “strategic partnerships” since 2001.
The group currently runs Sefton Council’s technical services department, employing 450 people.
Alan Bailey, managing director for Capita’s HR business, said: “As a result of this landmark agreement, the trusts will gain access to our broader HR expertise and investment in order to achieve a modern and cost effective service.”

Trusts set to sign up are: Southport and Ormskirk; Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen; Liverpool PCT; Liverpool Community Health; Liverpool Women’s; Mersey Care; NHS Sefton; Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology; Alder Hey; Liverpool Heart and Chest, Fazakerley hospital; The Walton Centre.

lWHAT do you think? Email us at: visiternews@southportvisiter.co.uk or write to: Views, Southport Visiter, 26-32 Tulketh St, Southport PR8 1BT.

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